I am a software developer since 2010, specializing in Kotlin and Typescript. Expert in backend development, data streaming, and full-stack applications.
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Here is my resume. Please don’t hesitate to contact for work opportunities!
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Tonis Tiganik
Software engineer with 12+ years of Kotlin and Typescript experience. I can create Kotlin backend and data streaming apps, Typescript full stack apps and also Android apps.
Contact information
📧 tonisives@gmail.com | 🐱 Github | 🔗 LinkedIn | 🌏 tonisives.com
High-Mobility, Remote – August 2018 – Present
Backend engineer, Data streaming engineer.
We worked in small teams to transfer knowledge about system requirements/architecture. My job was to understand project requirements, implement and release services to production.
Ford car data streaming service
Implemented a service that streams data from thousands of Ford vehicles
- Uses Ford SDK to stream data via gRPC and then forward it to Kafka.
- Horizontal scaling with the Ford’s
feature and in-house kubernetes - Fault tolerance with checkpointing in DynamoDB
- Grafana dashboard for monitoring and Sentry for error handling.
Kinesis data sink
Implemented a data sink solution for any number of Kinesis streams
- Each pod publishes to multiple kinesis streams in parallel(configurable)
- Horizontal scaling by partitioning data by vehicle id
- AWS Lambda function to allow customer registration. Deployed with Terraform CDK
- Robust load/fault-injection tests for smooth integration
PSA car data streaming service
Implemented a service that streams data from thousands of PSA(Peugeot, Opel, etc) vehicles
- Data is read from AWS Kinesis and forwarded to internal Kafka
- Horizontal scaling by checkpointing Kinesis in DynamoDB
- Grafana dashboard for monitoring and Sentry error handling
Connected car backend system
Developed a backend system for vehicle data management using Kotlin, implementing MQTT communication and PostgreSQL database integration.
- Built RESTful services for car owner access management
- Implemented hierarchical data structure: User -> Connection -> Car -> Data
- Integrated MQTT protocol for real-time vehicle data streaming
- Developed secure authentication and authorization mechanisms (OAuth with OTP login)
- Built an Android to proprietary data conversion service
We test all services for smooth integration
- 95+% unit tests.
- load/fault-injection test for all edge cases
- We use CI to deploy to Kubernetes via Github actions.
High-Mobility, Remote – August 2014 – August 2018
Android Developer
Android Automotive Data Observing App
Built an app that reads car data from the real vehicle, and uploads it to the server via MQTT
- Jetpack Compose UI with LiveData
- Reads Android Automotive Data via the
- Uploads data via MQTT/Bluetooth
- Android Automotive research, including OEM signing, custom firmwares
Bluetooth Auto API Explorer
- A sample app that shows a possible use case for HMKit Android.
- We connect to a vehicle/emulator via BLE/Telematics and send some commands like lock doors and turn on lights.
- Mainly showcases how you can integrate hmkit-android into a customer’s codebase
Open Source Contributions
Developed and supported Kotlin/Java libraries that were used by company clients.
- hmkit-android Uses bluetooth/telematics to connect to vehicles. Clients can add this to their own apps
- hmkit-fleet Used for clients to authenticate and connect to cars via High-Mobility platform remotely
- bluetooth-auto-api explorer Customers can test out their vehicle connection
Cannedapps, Tallinn – 2011 – August 2014 (3 years)
iOS Software Engineer
- Developing Jaguar Land Rover+Fiat iOS apps. These apps use telematics to send/receive data from cars
- Used Swift to create complex views with navigation logic
- Also Custom views for the Car brand
- Polling of the Car command data
- Concepts of Car dashboard apps in Android tablet.
- Weather forecast app for Android
Yrgel Entertainment Internship, Tallinn – January 2011 – May 2011 (5 months)
- Android/iOS native application development and Mobile game development with Unity3D.
Hobby projects
Audit-Hero – August 2022 – November 2024
A web app that aggregates Security Audit reports: live website
NodeJS Backend Development: Used serverless stack with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB. Lambdas are managed through a NGINX proxy.
Frontend ReactJS development: Developed responsive user interfaces with ReactJS. Used MaterialUI for modern UI elements, hooks/zustand for state store.
Micro frontends Used Module federation to separate deployment of different sub-pages
Terraform deployment All services are automatically deployed via Terraform’s CDKTF library.
Functional Programming: Implemented functional programming concepts using the fp-ts library to build clean, maintainable, and scalable code bases.
Main functionality
- Content Aggregation: cron jobs parse APIs and websites, utilizing sophisticated regex pattern matching for effective text parsing.
- Embeddings Matching: Uses Qdrant DB for embedding storage and LLM for rule creation and verification, effectively matching previous findings with current project code.
- Code Static Analysis: Implemented static analysis with solidity-parser ANTLR, generating call trees and projecting them using mermaidJS for in-depth auditing insights.
- SAAS product: Includes payments integration with Stripe/Crypto. Users can buy in-app tokens to spend it on LLM queries.
Knowledge Token NFT project August 2022
- Frontend is written in ReactJS, contracts in Solidity.
- The project allows writers to create NFT-s that readers can mint. Majority of mint fees go to the author, and some to the project.
- Backend is in Solidity and AWS Lambda/DynamoDB
DEX Aggregator on Terra Luna. August 2021
- The node.js AWS lambda function loads price info from token pool contracts.
- React front end shows the price graphs and there is a price alerts function.
- Node.js lambda function checks the alerts info and sends email alerts.
- Users can swap tokens in the liquidity pools directly on the website
Open Source contributions
- Security Audit Contributions: Actively participated in Solidity security audits, finding high level vulnerabilities and gaining deep knowledge of EVM and frameworks like Foundry and Hardhat. Includes multiple projects about defi, NFT-s and L2-s.
- Open source contributions I contributed with PR-s to the langchain(1, 2) and Chroma vector db (1, 2) projects.
- MacOS system-wide Vim mode. Uses Swift in the app, and a Lambda function that validates the app purchase. link
Dig Three
- Dig Three: Digging game for iOS, made with Unity.
Bachelor’s Degree in IT Systems Development, 2007
Estonian IT College – Tallinn, Estonia
- Languages: English(fluent) | Estonian(native) | Thai(mid-level)