
Create JSON manually with kotlinx.serialization

Kotlin serialization is a great library for serialisation in Kotlin. It is mainly geared towards serialising from objects to strings and back, but on closer look it also contains a comprehensive Json library. Even after discovering the documentation, though, the use of this new library might be confusing. 🕋 Serialisation to objects Consider a data […]

Android Architecture Kotlin testing

Logging in a Java library

It can be useful to emit logs in a library. When doing so, one needs to consider when to emit, how to filter and who is responsible for printing/handling the logs. Correct logging should also be tested. When to log There are different reasons to emit a message, for instance on important events, undefined behaviour […]


Kotlin: Concatenating nullable strings

A null String is concatenated as “null” in Kotlin: What if the goal is to concatenate only if the second string is not null? There are a few options: if-else One of the solutions would be to check the null value with elvis(?:) operator: Now there is no “null”, but the whole “and second is” […]