Crypto react typescript web3

How to use web3-react

Tutorial about how to use web3-react and hardhat to read and execute Solidity contracts.

Crypto hardhat

How to use ethereum-multicall on a local hardhat node

ethers-multicall actually uses MakerDAO multicall contracts for multicall functionality. On a local chain this contract is not deployed, therefore the request fails with To fix this issue, the MakerDAO-s multicall contract needs to be deployed on the local node. Copy the Multicall.sol contract to your local project. The contract is available in MakerDAO repository Add […]

Automations Crypto Python

Aggregate Iconomi crypto strategy details

Choosing crypto currencies to invest in can be a puzzling task. Investor can look at graphs, news or read expert opinions on Twitter. A popular vehicle for delegating investing decisions is Iconomi, where people have a choice of hundreds of investment strategies. A good indicator of the total market sentiment would be the average weight […]

Android Crypto Java Kotlin

Java EC crypto with BouncyCastle

Java crypto is like an architect building a house. Architect only knows how to design a house, but needs a construction company to actually build it. In Java, only crypto interface is defined, and a provider is required to actually implement the methods. There are different providers, but one has stood out in the test […]